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Meet Our Esteemed Equine Team: Each horse in our stable brings unique attributes, making lessons engaging and tailored. Get to know them and discover who you'll be bonding with on your horsemanship journey.


A Quarter Horse Gelding and is loved by all who know him.  He is famous in the Seattle area.  He has taught hundreds of riders to become well-schooled riders of all desciplines.


Lily Bear

A Quarter Horse mare.  She Is the most opinionated of our herd.  She likes to express herself.  She teaches riders to use their legs and to be determined.



A Quarter Horse gelding adopted from historic Camp Namanu.  He is a gem of a gem.  He keeps his opinions to himself and is very willing to please.  He isn’t just push button though; he teaches riders that they need to steer and be clear.


​A Quarter Horse gelding adopted from historic Camp Namanu.  He is very handsome and very willing to do what riders ask of him.  He is a tiny bit clumsy, but we love him!


Is a very handsome Mustang gelding.  He never would have survived in the wild as he has terrible allergies.  He challenges his riders just enough to help them improve their skills and be strong when needed.



A beautiful Roan gelding, hence, his name.  He is the most challenging to ride as he has big movement.  He teaches riders how to help collect and balance a horse.

Passionate about riding? Join us to build your foundation. Discover more - call or email us today for a visit.

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